Must Visit in Freetown: The National Stadium

The stadium is one of the most important cultural spaces of the country. It is home to the bi-annual trade fair, religious crusades, stellar afrobeat performances and football matches. History According to Musa Sesay, the general manager, the foundation for the stadium was laid in 1971 by the former president Siaka Stevens. At that time, […]

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Top 5 snacks

Walking the streets of Freetown, you will be bombarded with sights and smells of different kinds of food. Roast meat on barbecue barrels, mountains of peanuts in colourful bowls carried around on heads, or kids selling the sweet-sweet plantain chips in tiny plastic bags; Sierra Leoneans have perfected the art of creating the best pick-me-ups […]

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Check out these five restaurants

Eating out in Sierra Leone means having a variety of choice between Sierra Leonean, Lebanese and continental cuisine. That means cassava leaves, fried rice with chicken, tabouleh a freshly-caught lobster or a thick burger with sweet potato fries. Read our top-5 restaurants that feature some of the most popular restaurants in Sierra Leone and contain […]

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What to do when you fall ill in Freetown

Fever, headache, chills and sweats; the tropics come with beautiful beaches and equally impressive diseases. Whether it is the runbele (travelers diarrhea) you get after drinking contaminated water, or plain old malaria from infected mosquitoes, it is always good to know what to do when you or your travel companions fall ill. Get the diagnosis […]

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Getting your Leones in Freetown – Foreign Exchange

It can be a bit complicated to get your Leones and payment options are limited. Not many enterprises accept credit card payments and debit cards are almost useless. The best way to go around is to have Leones in cash that you either get through exchanging on the black market or withdraw from ATM’s. Black […]

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Getting around Freetown; your one and only transportation guide

Getting around Freetown can be challenging and frustrating. Endless traffic jams at Lumley roundabout, trucks crashing in the narrow streets downtown, taxi drivers overcharging you because you’re a foreigner, police officers hungry for bribes at checkpoints; sometimes it pays to hire an SUV plus driver and leave the wahala behind. Still, taking local transport can […]

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Bureh Beach Surf Club – a laidback paradise in Sierra Leone

Bureh Town Named after the hero Bai Bureh, Bureh town is located along the coastline between Tombo and Kent, about a 1.5 hour drive from Freetown. The people of Bureh town are gems. They have faces carved with hard work, the sea inhabiting their eyes and smiles ready for anyone willing to receive them.  It […]

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The wonders of Outamba-Kilimi National Park

Paddle down the mirror-calm Kabba River, get up close to majestic hippos and hike the wildlife-filled trails of Sierra Leone’s first National Park. Over the coming weeks, VSL Travel (Visit Sierra Leone) is touring the country to set up new day trips, short-breaks and tours for you to enjoy come the dry season. We’re on […]

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The Rogbonko-Bumbuna Experience

The brainchild of Sheka Forna, brother of celebrated author Aminatta Forna, Rogbonko Village Retreat is unlike any other accommodation available in Sierra Leone, offering not just the chance to wind-down in a truly magical forest setting, but also to live and immerse yourself in all aspects of rural village life. Following a stop for lunch […]

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Podas podas: Vehicles of cultural meaning

All over sub Saharan Africa from East to West, mini buses have a special name. In Kenya it is Matatu, in Nigeria – Danfor, Ghana – Tro-tro, Guinea – Magbana and in Sierra Leone – Poda poda. These are public minibuses which ordinarily are just modes of transportation, but interestingly they are dynamic modes of […]

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