Lac’s Villa – Freetown’s Hidden Oasis

Arriving at Lac’s Villa, being greeted by this panoramic display of its eco-friendly landscape instantly informed me of the tranquil gratification I was bound to experience in their arms. At that moment, I realised why it is fondly dubbed, the-best-kept-secret-in-town. The lush tropical styled establishment has this instant surge of attraction crafted within its borders. […]

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4 Amazing Places to have a staycation around the Freetown Peninsula

A staycation could mean different things for different people but everyone could agree that it means, having a vacation somewhere very close to home. In the wake of Covid-19, many far from home vacation plans have been distorted. Hence, there’s no greater period than this for us to explore what’s nearest to us.

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A guide to the Loma Mountains (Mount Bintumani ‘The Big B’)

If accepting extreme challenges and taking risks never made sense to you, don’t go near Mount Bintumani. ‘Big B’ as our crew called it, has beautiful plant life! Thick rainforests with all the sound effects. Not missing the occasional chimp stalking you from a couple meters up. Flowers and trees that could get you to […]

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Mambo Waterfall: the cascade of elegance

The Mambo waterfall is an instant charmer for those who love to hike, those who love adventure, and those who would want to take a quick break from the hustles and bustles of the urban lifestyle. Located on the other side of a downward slope in the mountains of the Mambo community, it’ll take a […]

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Memories of a Hard Rock – Lakka Beach

At the end of a yellow sandy beach dotted with coconut trees and framed by forested green hills is a small island surrounded by rocks, aptly named Hard Rock, in Sierra Leone on the coast of West Africa.

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Three Places to eat at Lakka Beach

Deciding where to go get food is as hard as what to get when you’re there. If you’re looking to hangout at Lakka, then look no further than this post because we are going to give you the best three places to eat once you get there. Lakka beach is one of the best beaches […]

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Here’s an idea for Valentine’s Day in Freetown

Couples looking to spice it up this valentine and singles wishing to self-love are presented with an opportunity to be a part of this year’s sunset cruise.

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Excursion to what was once “The island of no return”

Coming face to face with the enchanting relics of the mastery architectural display that once defined the merciless economical “glory” of the Bunce Island, you’ll know thereon, that this is a place that warrants the visitation of everyone, at least once in our lifetime

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A Travellers’ Perspective- “If you’re willing to be openminded, then going to Sierra Leone is an amazing experience”

Looking for a new travel destination? Tired of the ‘this-country-is-the-best-in-the-world’ sponsored travel pieces you find online? We get it. Tourism comes with its own marketing efforts that can sometimes give a false idea of reality. Imagine this: just as you are sinking into a hammock whilst the ocean breeze tickles your hair like a tropical […]

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Bonthe – tranquil, forgotten, and wildly tropical

Bonthe is like a sun-bleached photo taken of an exotic island town, where you can see things once were bright and new, but now all that’s left is a vague image of what used to be. And there’s a melancholic beauty to that. Walking along the once booming boulevard you pass by dozens of abandoned […]

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