Bonthe – tranquil, forgotten, and wildly tropical

Bonthe is like a sun-bleached photo taken of an exotic island town, where you can see things once were bright and new, but now all that’s left is a vague image of what used to be. And there’s a melancholic beauty to that. Walking along the once booming boulevard you pass by dozens of abandoned […]

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Sherbro Island – an unspoilt tropical beauty

In a way, Sherbro Island has had the same treatment as the rest of Sierra Leone. Its overlooked; many people are not aware of its existence, let alone its tourist potential. Visitors have been few, but those who do visit return home with diamonds in their eyes. Mesmerised by the exotic sights, the beauty of […]

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Get your fit on part II

Sierra Leone offers plenty of options for people in from fitness levels. From serious hikes that leave the most advanced hiker sore afterwards, to gentle beach walks and aerobics classes for those who are beginning their fitness journey. Sierra Leone is a fitness Valhalla; endless stretches of beach, plenty of water to swim in, unexplored […]

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Freetown on a budget

There is something odd about the leone. At first, you might be impressed by the sheer volume of the currency. A 50 dollar note buys you a packet of bills that barely fit a wallet. And once you find out a taxi ride is 1,500 leones (20 cents), it seems like you’ve hit the jackpot. […]

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Get Bendy: Yoga in Sierra Leone

Yoga is gaining popularity world-wide. Studio’s are popping up like mushrooms and a growing online community of yogi share their experiences through platforms such as YouTube. In Sierra Leone, yoga is becoming more known to the public as well. There is a growing number of teachers and practitioners, offering a variety of classes on dreamy […]

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December Don Kam So- highlights of the season

The rains have disappeared, the invitations sent out, and the Bottom Mango roundabout has been decorated with a Christmas tree installation wishing us happy holidays. It can only mean one thing: December has come. With the arrival of plenty diaspora Sierra Leoneans and tourists, the country is busy showing off all its good sides. Parties, […]

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Banana Islands – a dreamy getaway

The Banana Islands are the number one tourist attraction in Sierra Leone, praised for its many activities and beauty. Apart from the tropical allure, the three little islands are loaded with a painful history, framed by swaying palm trees, villagers enjoying their palmwine, and the sound of eternal waves. From Kent, about 1 hour from […]

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Five reasons to visit Sierra Leone

When mentioning Sierra Leone, some might immediately think of the civil war, the Ebola virus outbreak, collapsing mountains and sad children with round eyes and even rounder bellies. All of this is/was true- let’s not act as though Sierra Leone isn’t one of the poorest countries in the world. But what I want to convey […]

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Tiwai Island – a unique and invigorating experience for the adventurous traveler

One of the most mesmerizing experiences you can have in Sierra Leone is spending a couple of nights at the Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary. Rise with the sun, learn about the forests’ many medicinal plants, swim in the river and completely detach from the stresses of daily modern life on this uninhabited tropical island.

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Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve – a gem for ecotourists and explorers

Many have heard of the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve because of the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. But did you know that the forest is a 17.000 acres large reserve, which stretches all over the peninsular? It’s the forest just outside of Freetown, running all through Kent over mountains and waterfalls. It is home to rare […]

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