Three new places you must check out this December!

Whether you are already in Sierra Leone or heading that way for Christmas we wanted to highlight three interesting new spots you should check out. As it turns out these are all owned/run by female Sierra Leonean entrepreneurs which wasn't planned but turned out quite well. Go support! 111 RESTAURANT - “Your Inna’s African Cuisine” [...]
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Freetown on a budget

There is something odd about the leone. At first, you might be impressed by the sheer volume of the currency. A 50 dollar note buys you a packet of bills that barely fit a wallet. And once you find out a taxi ride is 1,500 leones (20 cents), it seems like you’ve hit the jackpot. […]

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The coffee lovers’ guide to Freetown

Imagine: you are used to ordering an Ethiopian Arabica almond milk dry cappuccino, which magically appears within three minutes, crafted by the tattood- barista on your way to work. It might cost you 4$, but hey, who said heaven was cheap? Now, on your well deserved holiday to the tropical paradise called Sierra Leone, you […]

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Starting the weekend in Freetown

On Friday’s Freetown buzzes with activities and people who want to blow off steam from their workweek. The crowd moves from one place to the other, so showing up at the wrong time might mean that you missed that eclectic crowd of partying Freetonians. To make it easier to decide how to kick-start your Friday […]

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Top 5 clubs in Freetown

Friday night is club night in Freetown. That means that Freetonians dress up and party until the sun rises and di corpoh don. Clubs vary from very fancy and expensive to sweaty and low-key, but one thing is certain; fun is always guaranteed. This top 5 list has selected clubs where Freetonians can be found […]

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Top- 5 places to eat on a budget in Freetown

Eating out in Sierra Leone can be expensive, especially in Freetown. Burgers and fries can easily reach 10$, and a pizza will cost even more. That is, if you eat in the more up scale restaurants. If you are more adventurous and dare to risk a running stomach, some spicy soups and are okay with […]

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Top 5 snacks

Walking the streets of Freetown, you will be bombarded with sights and smells of different kinds of food. Roast meat on barbecue barrels, mountains of peanuts in colourful bowls carried around on heads, or kids selling the sweet-sweet plantain chips in tiny plastic bags; Sierra Leoneans have perfected the art of creating the best pick-me-ups […]

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Check out these five restaurants

Eating out in Sierra Leone means having a variety of choice between Sierra Leonean, Lebanese and continental cuisine. That means cassava leaves, fried rice with chicken, tabouleh a freshly-caught lobster or a thick burger with sweet potato fries. Read our top-5 restaurants that feature some of the most popular restaurants in Sierra Leone and contain […]

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