Picket Hill- not a hill

All you need to know to conquer the Western Area’s most challenging hike Picket Hill is not a hill, but the highest mountain in the Western Area Peninsula, the region where Freetown and many of Salone’s finest beaches are located. It is ideal for those who fancy a test of humanity and can keep on […]

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Despite Covid-19 Agony, VSL Pushes Domestic Tourism through Health and Fitness Hikes

It is no secret that the travel, tourism and hospitality industry has been decimated by the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. Even though spared the worst of the pandemic, Sierra Leone has been no exception.  The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has been a nightmare for all and tremendously affected people’s livelihood, health, and social activities. […]

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Sugarloaf Mountain: A Movember hiking story

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” —Edmund Hillary When we steer through the roads of Regents, the towering procession of the Sugarloaf Mountain often falls in our view unnoticed. Albeit the unfortunate mudslide that is associated with it, the mountain’s formation is dazzling and its trails offer this abysmal forestry and steep […]

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Koba Wata to Pickett Hill to Big Wata by Philip Johnson

Keen to see as much of Sierra Leone during my short time here, I hurriedly accepted an invitation to walk up Picket Hill on Sunday 23rd September. Always one for thorough due diligence, a few search results later I quickly realised that this was far from the casual Sunday stroll I had imagined. At 09:20 […]

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A guide to the Loma Mountains (Mount Bintumani ‘The Big B’)

If accepting extreme challenges and taking risks never made sense to you, don’t go near Mount Bintumani. ‘Big B’ as our crew called it, has beautiful plant life! Thick rainforests with all the sound effects. Not missing the occasional chimp stalking you from a couple meters up. Flowers and trees that could get you to […]

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Mambo Waterfall: the cascade of elegance

The Mambo waterfall is an instant charmer for those who love to hike, those who love adventure, and those who would want to take a quick break from the hustles and bustles of the urban lifestyle. Located on the other side of a downward slope in the mountains of the Mambo community, it’ll take a […]

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Get your fit on part II

Sierra Leone offers plenty of options for people in from fitness levels. From serious hikes that leave the most advanced hiker sore afterwards, to gentle beach walks and aerobics classes for those who are beginning their fitness journey. Sierra Leone is a fitness Valhalla; endless stretches of beach, plenty of water to swim in, unexplored […]

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Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve – a gem for ecotourists and explorers

Many have heard of the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve because of the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. But did you know that the forest is a 17.000 acres large reserve, which stretches all over the peninsular? It’s the forest just outside of Freetown, running all through Kent over mountains and waterfalls. It is home to rare […]

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