Visit Sierra Leone and Banana Island Community sign lease to refurbish abandoned Guest House

We are thrilled to announce that Visit Sierra Leone (VSL) Limited has signed a long-term lease with the Banana Island community to refurbish and rejuvenate the iconic Banana Island Guest House. Nestled amidst the serene beauty of Banana Island, our commitment to preserving and enhancing this beloved retreat is at the heart of our mission. [...]
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Meet IB Cole, Drizilik and Med Iye – The First Sierra Leonean team to participate at the Budapest Bamako Rally!

In the spirit of exploration (strictly for research purposes, of course), we set out to explore three restaurants renowned for their take on this delectable dish. Let’s dive into our findings.

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The Attiéké Chronicles – Three places to buy this delicious dish in Freetown

In the spirit of exploration (strictly for research purposes, of course), we set out to explore three restaurants renowned for their take on this delectable dish. Let’s dive into our findings.

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AfriCaribbean Festival Signs Partnership With Air Senegal for Festival 2023 in Sierra Leone

Article by By Lawrence Williams for Fritong Post The AfriCaribbean Festival announced on Monday the signing of a partnership with Air Senegal as the official airline of its annual festival held in Freetown. Through this partnership, Air Senegal will offer cheaper round-trip flights to festival attendees from New York, Paris, and Milan for the next […]

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Make the time to visit this Freetown’s beautiful waterfall

When you feel life gets hard, you probably need the thrilling sensation of the Mambo Waterfalls as it washes over you. For in that moment, nothing else matters. On a cold and wet Sunday morning we met at Hamilton Junction at 7:00am to walk the highway leading to Mambo before heading off-road for the hike […]

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Black Johnson – Blight or Blessing

Sierra Leone’s chattering classes are up in arms. The focus of their online fury? Government plans to locate a fishing harbour at Black Johnson Beach. No matter that few of us could find it on a map and fewer still have been there, the issue has united disparate voices like little before it. Located in […]

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Despite Covid-19 Agony, VSL Pushes Domestic Tourism through Health and Fitness Hikes

It is no secret that the travel, tourism and hospitality industry has been decimated by the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. Even though spared the worst of the pandemic, Sierra Leone has been no exception.  The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has been a nightmare for all and tremendously affected people’s livelihood, health, and social activities. […]

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VSL Sunset Boat Cruise Party: A Review

“We woke up very late because we ushered the new year awake and eventful. We rushed through breakfast and left, we were thirty minutes early for 1pm hence we had time to rest and interact with other beautifully dressed “tourists” before the cruise finally started. As soon as we got there Jonathan stole the show, […]

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4 Amazing Places to have a staycation around the Freetown Peninsula

A staycation could mean different things for different people but everyone could agree that it means, having a vacation somewhere very close to home. In the wake of Covid-19, many far from home vacation plans have been distorted. Hence, there’s no greater period than this for us to explore what’s nearest to us.

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Bunce Island gets an overdue and much needed upgrade [with photos]

Bunce Island is one of the most significant heritage sites in Sierra Leone and a unique cultural monument to Africa’s intersection with the United States and the wider Atlantic World. Located about 17 miles upriver in the Sierra Leone River the island was a center of British slave trade in West Africa from about 1670 […]

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