Top 5 clubs in Freetown

Friday night is club night in Freetown. That means that Freetonians dress up and party until the sun rises and di corpoh don. Clubs vary from very fancy and expensive to sweaty and low-key, but one thing is certain; fun is always guaranteed. This top 5 list has selected clubs where Freetonians can be found […]

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The best Sierra Leonean drinks

Every country has their own specialties when it comes to beverages. In Sierra Leone, the best drinks are fresh, cheap and perfect for the hot tropical climate. Here are five drinks that should try out when visiting Sierra Leone. Bissap Bissap is the Sierra Leonean name for brewed hibiscus flowers with added vanilla and sugar. […]

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Top 5 things to do in Freetown

To most people civil war, ebola, poverty, or pot-belly kids with hungry eyes come to mind when they think of Sierra Leone. Of course, this is a very one-dimensional view of the country. In fact, Sierra Leone is very safe and an amazing country to visit. It is far from touristy and assures a unique […]

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River Number 2

River No. 2 “Ecotourism is the echo of the waves, the echo of the birds in the mangroves, the echo from the mountains. Come and explore our white sand beach, turquoise waters and view of the Banana and Plantain islands not far from the shore.” Mr. Barrie, representative of the N.D.A. Its name might be […]

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Top- 5 places to eat on a budget in Freetown

Eating out in Sierra Leone can be expensive, especially in Freetown. Burgers and fries can easily reach 10$, and a pizza will cost even more. That is, if you eat in the more up scale restaurants. If you are more adventurous and dare to risk a running stomach, some spicy soups and are okay with […]

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Top 5 beaches in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone’s beaches have been praised by many and can be seen as its’ main tourist attraction. They have been spared from commercialization and mass-tourism and offer some of the most stunning vistas of the continent. They are desolate, quiet, peaceful and will melt the hearts even of those who hate sand. Read on for […]

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Become a negotiating pro

First price, last price and talking price – the ultimate guide to negotiating in Sierra Leone Being new to a country and to the pricing system makes for an easy target. A good salesman can smell the naivety of a tourist and will gladly take advantage of that. So instead of charging the real price, […]

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Must Visit in Freetown: The National Stadium

The stadium is one of the most important cultural spaces of the country. It is home to the bi-annual trade fair, religious crusades, stellar afrobeat performances and football matches. History According to Musa Sesay, the general manager, the foundation for the stadium was laid in 1971 by the former president Siaka Stevens. At that time, […]

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Top 5 snacks

Walking the streets of Freetown, you will be bombarded with sights and smells of different kinds of food. Roast meat on barbecue barrels, mountains of peanuts in colourful bowls carried around on heads, or kids selling the sweet-sweet plantain chips in tiny plastic bags; Sierra Leoneans have perfected the art of creating the best pick-me-ups […]

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Check out these five restaurants

Eating out in Sierra Leone means having a variety of choice between Sierra Leonean, Lebanese and continental cuisine. That means cassava leaves, fried rice with chicken, tabouleh a freshly-caught lobster or a thick burger with sweet potato fries. Read our top-5 restaurants that feature some of the most popular restaurants in Sierra Leone and contain […]

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