Podas podas: Vehicles of cultural meaning

All over sub Saharan Africa from East to West, mini buses have a special name. In Kenya it is Matatu, in Nigeria – Danfor, Ghana – Tro-tro, Guinea – Magbana and in Sierra Leone – Poda poda. These are public minibuses which ordinarily are just modes of transportation, but interestingly they are dynamic modes of […]

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Guide to Land Distances in Sierra Leone (KM)

This chart shows the distance between towns and cities in Sierra Leone, you can use it as a guide. The chart was provided courtesy of the Sierra Leone National Tourist Board.

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Getting around Sierra Leone

There are various ways of getting around Sierra Leone, from the convenient and pricey to the cheap and downright dangerous. Vehicle Hire For convenience, we always recommend hiring a vehicle while in Sierra Leone. This will give you a lot of flexibility in mobility, but vehicle hire can be pricey. We offer offer competitive rates […]

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