Mambo Waterfall: the cascade of elegance

The Mambo waterfall is an instant charmer for those who love to hike, those who love adventure, and those who would want to take a quick break from the hustles and bustles of the urban lifestyle. Located on the other side of a downward slope in the mountains of the Mambo community, it’ll take a […]

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Three Places to eat at Lakka Beach

Deciding where to go get food is as hard as what to get when you’re there. If you’re looking to hangout at Lakka, then look no further than this post because we are going to give you the best three places to eat once you get there. Lakka beach is one of the best beaches […]

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Visiting Sierra Leone – Through the eyes of 11 year old Sinkarie Sesay

You’re on a trip to Sierra Leone to see what Freetown has in store for you. You will embark on a journey through Sierra Leone’s long beaches, resorts, and animal sanctuaries. Your trip to Sierra Leone has just begun.

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Podas podas: Vehicles of cultural meaning

All over sub Saharan Africa from East to West, mini buses have a special name. In Kenya it is Matatu, in Nigeria – Danfor, Ghana – Tro-tro, Guinea – Magbana and in Sierra Leone – Poda poda. These are public minibuses which ordinarily are just modes of transportation, but interestingly they are dynamic modes of […]

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Lumley Beach Arts & Crafts Market

Even though Big Markit is one of the more popular arts markets, The Lumley Arts and Craft market, situated along the Lumley beach road just behind the office of the National Tourist Board – is one of the largest arts and craft market in the country whic mostly stocks purely Sierra Leonean arts. Founded about […]

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Maambena Fest 2014

The Maambena Fest Literacy and Cultural Festival founded in 2011 by Usifu Jalloh under the flagship of the Aruna Jalloh foundation is the only festival in Sierra Leone that prides itself in celebrating both literacy and culture on the same platform. For the past three years the festival has been working on the goal of […]

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VSL Boat Launch

Visit Sierra Leone is proud to announce the launch of our boat “VSL 01”. This comes after months of construction. The boat will be available for excursions to the Islands (Banana, Bunce, Turtle, Shenge and Sherbro) as well as peninsula beach trips. Contact us if you have a group or need ideas for a special day […]

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Kabala Festival 2013

Kabala Festival, Sierra Leone For decades, the people of Kabala have celebrated New years in a very unique way. To them, New Year is a way of bringing together the different chiefdoms and tribes in the region to showcase their traditions and culture. This is often accompanied with magical display of the arts, traditional dresses […]

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Adventures in Sierra Leone

It might have been a box-office hit, but Leo di Caprio’s Blood Diamonds cut a deep scar on Sierra Leone’s international reputation. The savage civil war ended 10 years ago and the country is still associated with unethical diamond mining and child soldiers.As a result, tourists have stayed away – last year the country had […]

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Letters from America – 2

Suba Ranka picked up his cutlass, wiped the blood with his fingers and smiled. He had killed again. Only this time, the victim was a goat. He meticulously picked his nose and looked around. He was getting really good at this; chasing goats and chickens around the barre and killing them one after another. Last […]

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