Bedford Park resident helping Sierra Leone, South Africa and Uganda teens go to school

Bedford Park area resident Sara Dunkley knows teens and youth in Canada are lucky to have an easily accessible education system. Through her organization, the Beautiful World Canada Foundation, she aims to bring those same benefits to those in countries where that type of education can be out of reach for many. Beautiful World Canada […]

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Kei Kamara makes Sierra Leone the 88th nation with a Premier League goal-scorer – Can you name the rest?

When Norwich City striker Kei Kamara bagged his first goal for the club this weekend against Everton he became the first Sierra Leone national to do so in the Premier League. Can you name the players for the other 87 nationalities to have a Premier League goal-scorer? In December Gael Bigirimana scored the third goal […]

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Sula finds iron mineralisation in Sierra Leone

Shares in Sula Iron and Gold (SULA) jumped more than 5% on news that that channel sampling had confirmed the presence of high-grade iron mineralisation at the company’s wholly-owned iron and gold exploration licence in Sierra Leone. High-grade assay results were returned from two channel samples collected in the Area 1 target zone of the licence, located […]

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China grants $30 million to Sierra Leone for construction

FREETOWN: The chinese government has granted about 30 million US dollars to Sierra Leone for the western African nation’s peace construction when Jiang Weixin, the Special Envoy of Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Sierra Leone’s President Ernest Bai Koroma. Jiang, also the Chinese Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction, arrived in Freetown Thursday morning to […]

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Interpol-Sierra Leone accredited

The world’s largest police organization, Interpol, has accredited Interpol-Sierra Leone an observer status in the formation of the West African Police Information System (WAPIS). Interpol operates in 190  countries and was established in 1923. Speaking to this medium, the Acting Director of Interpol-Sierra Leone, Mohamed Yansaneh, said that in September, 2012, the Interpol branch of […]

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Freetown: New Group of Students at Sierra Leone Law School

The Sierra Leone Law School now housed at the Special Court (photo) in the West of the capital Freetown is currently hosting a new batch of students who are preparing for the Bar Exam to join the crop of lawyers in Sierra Leone. Like in all academic or training institutions, the Students have felt the […]

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Sierra Leone: Final Batch of Ministers Announced

President Ernest Koroma has appointed and announced the much-awaited final batch of Government Ministers yesterday evening. There are some new faces in this new group also just like the last one. Of note is Dr. Matthew Teambo, the new Labour Minister who was an APC member of Parliament for Tonkolili district (Yoni chiefdom and its […]

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Agriterra expands Sierra Leone cocoa operation

Agriterra (LON:AGTA) said its subsidiary Tropical Farms has expanded its cocoa and farming operations in Sierra Leone. It has done so by acquiring a 50-year lease, with a 21 year extension option, over a previously producing cocoa and coffee plantation. The site covers 1,208 hectares, 40 kilometres from Kenema, the country’s third-largest city. Previously run by […]

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Civil society organisations in Sierra Leone empowered to effectively influence policies

Accra, Ghana – 26 civil society organisations (CSOs) in Sierra Leone were groomed on the best strategies to adopt in policy advocacy processes. Adding to these, three organisations (29 in total) learned new ways of creating and sustaining networks and building robust alliances to enhance their advocacy engagements at local and national levels.

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Annual Chocolate Festival Benefits Needy Kids in Sierra Leone

WINCHESTER,VA – For those with sweet taste buds, chocolate is something that is hard to resist. The Braddock Street United Methodist Church held its 8th Annual Chocolate Festival to support children in Sierra Leone and Mercy Hospital. “A lot of these children that were on the streets, we want to house them, clothe them, feed them, educate […]

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