Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Missions in Sierra Leone

It is advisable (though not compulsory) that you register with the diplomatic office responsible for your nationality. You can find the details of these diplomatic offices in Freetown on this page. If you have telephone number, email or website address for any of the following please email them to us so that their details can […]

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Sierra Leone Diplomatic and Consular Missions Abroad

This page contains information on Sierra Leone’s diplomatic and consular missions abroad. All persons entering Sierra Leone must have a valid passport or travel document. Citizens of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) do not require a visa to enter the Sierra Leone, but most other nationalities do. If you are resident in a […]

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Things you need to know

Travelling to Sierra Leone requires a fair amount of planning and flexibility so we advise arranging as much as possible in advance. Keep in mind that Sierra Leone is still one of the poorest countries in the world, therefore do not expect everything to work as it would in more developed countries.

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Visa Application Information

All persons entering Sierra Leone must have a valid passport or travel document. Citizens of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) do not require a visa to enter the country, but citizens of all other countries do. Everyone needs a work permit. We’ve made visas easy. With minimal input required from you, we can […]

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